Sei que tenho muitos erros de Inglês, não é a toa que serei Au Pair, estou disponibilizando minha Personal Letter que foi anexa no App, e meu novo vídeo, para quem precisa de umas idéias.
Personal Letter e Vídeo , QUAL OBJETIVO, O QUE FOCAR ?
* Fale de forma clara, objetiva , mas saiba argumentar sobre o que quer dizer;
* Fale com quem vive, seus pais, irmãos, cidade de forma breve,
* Cite todas as experiências de trabalho com crianças de forma detalhada, as atividades, sua relação com elas, e principalmente se tiver contato fora do trabalho, isso passa credibilidade,
* Fale seus objetivos em ser au pair, cite de que forma essa experiência servirá para seu futuro profissional, não diga que é só porque você ama crianças, que essa não cola mais.
* Procure pesquisar e corrigir os erros de pronuncia e gramática o máximo possível,
No vídeo:
* Tudo o que já dito acima,

* Seja espontânea, alegre, tente transparecer confiança,
* Não faça vídeos só com fotos e montagens, fale quase 100%durante a gravação.
* Solte a voz, sem medo de errar, as famílias sabem que temos um nível intermediário de Inglês, então querem nos ver apresentando como realmente somos e falamos.
Dear host family
First of all, I'm really excited about the studies program and glad to meet you soon. I’m a 22 year-old woman, who was born in Campinas , located in Brazilian countryside, even though I’ve been living in Hortolândia. Also, I study Liberal Arts at PUC-CAMPINAS, so I had the opportunity of getting along well with this city.
When I was 3 years old, I had my first contact with a baby, since my younger brother, named Higor, was born. I used to see mom taking care of him and always tried to help her. When I turned 15 years old, I started taking care of him, while my parents worked.
I'm calm, cheerful, patient, playful, energetic, lovely, responsible, honest, kind, intelligent, polite, generous, sensitive and gentle. I enjoy reading books and going to libraries, doing outdoors activities, spending time with family and friends, playing sports, and so on. I am always in a good mood and a very easygoing person.
My work experience started when I did volunteer work in church, where I looked after and taught an 8-children group. I used to help with homework, go to parks, play sports and do different kinds of outdoor activities. Indoor, we used to draw, paint, craftworks and many activities to boost their development. I worked with them for 2 years, but they keep sending me letters. I enjoyed a lot when we had fun together. Another experience was with Luiza, who was 2 years old when I started babysitting her. I used to look after her 1 day per week and change diapers, give baths, put her to sleep, prepare milk bottles. I also created activities to improve her development and played with babies' toys. I really enjoyed all my experiences with those children. I tried to do my best to help them.
Furthermore, I work as a Portuguese Teacher in a public school; I started in June and intend to continue until my au pair experience. Being a teacher is a complex job because most children are very poor and have serious familiar problems. I’ve had a remarkable experience, since teaching is a wonderful occupation through which we may learn a lot; however, it is essential to have responsibility, creativity, mastery, patience and love above all.
I wish to spend a good year with your family. In this year I want to improve my English, learn more about the American culture. This exchange program will be great and I'll try to do all the things to make this year with you and your kids the best year of our lives.
I'm anxious to hear about you!
Oliveira, Nathália Fernanda.
Phone(55) xxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxx
Email: yumiyaten291@hotmail.com
Skype : yumiyaten291